CP Research paper rubric






Points Earned

Format and Presentation

Format and presentation fully and consistently adheres to MLA format. Properly formatted.

Somewhat adheres to MLA format. Neat and clean, but slightly unprofessional. Header present and mostly correct.

Little adherence to MLA format. Messy and and/or unclean. Unprofessional. No header.


Organization and Flow of paper

Organization is clear through paragraph distinctions.  Ideas are consistently coherent. Paragraphs are arranged logically and transitions are effectively used. Easy to understand and follow.

Some set paragraph distinctions, but these are not necessarily beneficial to paper or logical. Ideas are moderately coherent. Some logic is present in the arrangement of ideas. Transitions may be lacking in places.

There is little or no clear logic to the arrangement of ideas. Paper may shift drastically from one topic to another with no connection or weak organization.





Grammar and Mechanics

No glaring errors. A few minor errors, but none which detract from the high quality of the paper. No misspellings. Meets or exceeds grade-level expectations.

Few glaring errors. Minor errors present. Few to no misspellings.  Moderately grade appropriate.

Several glaring errors which could have been caught in draft. Repetitive sentence structure.  Paper lacks grade appropriate mechanical or grammatical skills.






Thesis and Opening Paragraph

Clearly identifiable and supportable. Properly introduces the entire essay with distinct direction and specific idea.

Moderately identifiable. Introduces the topics to be discussed, but lacks direction or specific idea.

Weak, unclear, or missing thesis. May or may not state the topics. Paragraph may ramble with no clear focus or direction.




Support Sentences

Examples provide consistent support for the topic. Text supports the student’s rich and deep understanding of the topic. Outstanding sentence variety and meaning is clear.

Examples provide moderate support for the topic; however, sentences may be flat or demonstrate a lack of depth. Some sentence variation is present, though not all sentence meaning is clear.


Examples provide no support to topic. There is little to no explanation, or a general lack of understanding is shown. May be no clear link to topic. Sentences may be confusing or totally unclear in meaning.






Full, rich, and deep conclusion of evidence and not just a restating of topic.  Develops topic past obvious presentation of facts in an effective way.

Explanation present with some attempt at depth. Some understanding present, but lacks true depth and has too much repetition of paper ideas. Basic or general.

Little to no attempt at actual conclusion.  Student only restates paper ideas. A general lack of understanding is present. Little or no link to topic.







Sources are relevant and reliable. Proper number of sources are cited. Sources are used evenly.

Sources are moderately relevant and somewhat reliable. Proper number of sources cited. Too much reliance on one or two sources.

Sources are inappropriate, unreliable, unapproved, and/or required number of sources is not present. Far too much dependence on one source.





Consistently clear demonstration of MLA documentation style. Correct formatting for citations. Correlation between Works Cited page and citations.

Moderately demonstrates correct MLA citation techniques with some errors in formatting for citations.

No clear demonstration of MLA citation techniques. Numerous errors in formatting for citations.  May be missing sources. Major errors.





Evidence of revision and work

Paper shows evidence of revision as well as correction.  Notes, outlines, drafts are all included and match with final paper.

Only corrections and not revisions are evident.  May be missing multiple drafts or outline.  Some evidence of polishing, though it is superficial and not enough.  

No evidence of correction or revision by student. Polish is needed though obviously was neglected.





Serious Structural Errors

No comma splices, sentence fragments or run-on sentences.

No more than one or two comma splices, sentence fragments or run-on sentences.

3 or more comma splices, sentence fragments or run-on sentences.


Other deductions:  10 points per day for late papers; 10 point deduction per page for not meeting (or for exceeding) length requirement; 5 point deduction per source for missing sources (or sources not used);



SCORE:                   _______ / 50x2=______